9 Fun Speech Class Activities

[ad_1] Speech classes are a lot more fun when everyone gets involved with special activities! Try some of these ideas to warm up your next class: Impromptu speaking. Give students various topics for them to speak on without any preparation. The topics should be relatively easy at first, such as “What is your favorite movie and why?” or “If you could only eat one food for a month, what would that be?” Lost on a deserted Island game. Present the scenario: Following a ship wreck, the entire class has been stranded on a deserted island. Each person is allowed to bring one object to the island. Have each student describe what that object would be and why. (You can extend this into a team-building activity by breaking into teams and have each team figure out how to creatively combine their items to increase survival). Tongue Twisters competition. Have two people come up at a time and take turns repeating a tongue twister. “unique New York” “Red Leather, yellow leather.” Faster, and faster. When someone messes up, they sit down and a challenger comes up. Someone can keep score with the class roster. Dramatic alphabet or numbers. Students can “lecture” the class by reciting the alphabet or counting to 30, but with gestures, drama and eye contact. A, BCD! E, F, G… , H? I, JKL-M… , etc.. You could emphasize the eye contact by adding this activity: the speaker is to make and hold eye contact for at least 3 seconds per person. All the students raise their hands. When the speaker initiates eye contact with someone, that person...

What Is The Chinese Herbal Tea Wang Lao Ji Made From?

[ad_1] In China one of the most popular herbal teas is wang lao ji or wong lo kat in Cantonese. Wang lao ji is said to be a product that was commercialized and sold by Wang Zebang (nicknamed Wang Ji ) from Heshan in Guangdong province in 1828. Currently sold as a herbal beverage, with the ingredients being seven different kinds of Chinese herbal plants: “Water, white sugar, mesona, dan hua, Bu Zha ye (Microcos paniculata Linn), Chrysanthemum flowers, jin yin hua (Lonicera japonica Thunb.), Prunella vulgaris, and licorice. (The “Dan hua” does not refer to eggs, but refers to the Apocynaceae species). This is a seven part series exploring the contents of Wang Lao Ji seven herbal tea drink on FB Liangcha-Herbal Tea. One of the major herbs in Wong Lo Kat is Xia ku cao, or Prunella vulgaris commonly known as self-heal, heal-all, heart-of-the-earth, and is a medicinal plant in the genus Prunella. It’s a perennial herb found throughout Europe, Asia and the North America and grows by spreading it’s roots underground. The flowers bloom depending on the climate and other conditions but generally from June to August. For medicinal purposes, the entire plant is harvested when the flowers bloom, and dried. The leaves and small flowers are all edible. Heal all is both edible and medicinal and can be used in salads, soups and stews. Medicinally heal all has been used in alternative medicine for centuries on just about every continent in the world and for just about every ailment. Plant’s constituents: betulinic acid, D-camphor, delphinidin, hyperoside, manganese, oleanolic acid, rosmarinic acid, rutin, ursolic acid, and...